Monday, July 4, 2016

I'm All Over the Place

Call me scatterbrained, a quitter, distracted, multi-faceted...whatever word you think sums up my inability to decide what I want to do.

I come up with hundreds of ideas and schemes, but realizing they won't produce as much profit as I feel my time is worth I let them float around in my brain awhile and then let them flit away.  I usually revisit the same ideas multiple times, especially work-from-home ideas or going to college.

I like to research things.  I like to find ways to budget and save money, find fun and addicting ways to learn, I like to understand how things work.  Despite it's bad reputation for over-diagnosing cancer, I really enjoy Web MD.  I love learning about the brain, the body, illnesses and conditions.  I love to read, and I fantasize about being a novelist.  I have recently started writing a novel, and I am really proud of my first few chapters, but I am still waiting on my character to evolve the way that I think characters should.

I first learned about blogging as a way of making money on Wealthy Affiliate, which is pretty well known in the blogging world, as an online platform that has some free resources, but ultimately is a paid online program that teaches bloggers how to set up Word Press and start using affiliate links, which generate passive income.  Passive income, for those of you who don't know the term, is money you make without doing anything.  Passive income can be made while you are asleep, or while you are on vacation, or while you are working on something completely different.  You basically get a percentage of anything people purchase after they click on the link in your blog post.

I was fascinated by this, thinking that I was going to start a blog right then and there.  It was one of the ideas that I had (I need to mention the ideas I get are ideas for me, not necessarily original ideas) to earn money.  I found this and wanted to pursue it over a year ago.  I actually don't even think I was pregnant with my son yet.

I went through some of the free resources on Wealthy Affiliate and I found that I ran into a problem... I had no idea what to write about.  Sure, I could start an online diary and hope the whole world found my thoughts super compelling and intriguing, but then I ran into the problem of being completely transparent.  I'm certainly not ashamed of who I am, and even the things in my life that are shocking and negative have been valuable lessons that after learning gave me a unique view on life, and a greater ability to appreciate-or desire to appreciate-life.  That being said, I believe that telling the whole story would be essential, and I'm just not ready (and may never be) to tell everyone in my life the whole where does that leave me?  Writing about something else. 

I don't know about anything else.  Not like I'm stupid, but I'm just not qualified.  I could start a blog about health, but I'm not a nutritionist, or a chiropractor or a doctor.  I only know what I know, and that blog wouldn't be one that would live and evolve for several years.  I could write about writing, but honestly I'm a beginner.  I have no real success or experience to back up my opinions or methods.  I could write about cooking, but I already get my recipes from other bloggers, and they deserve that credit.  I could write about my baby, but honestly being a stay at home Mom is a lot more boring than people might think.  I love every minute with my son but if I were to write a post a week about it, it would essentially say the same things over and over. 

I'm still working it out, and at some point I may revisit one of those ideas.  Until then, I have just been writing whatever comes to mind at the time, hoping that you guys won't find it completely and overwhelmingly boring. 

I see people are reading what I'm writing, but no one is commenting, and I think it is essential to the blog that you guys submit feedback!  If you hate it, or have suggestions you are afraid to comment because you don't want to be negative or hurt my ego, don't let that hold you back.  I revel in the criticism (of course, the more constructive the better), because it will help me become a better writer, and it will help me understand what the audience that I am already building wants.

I don't even have my own domain, so I am officially making no money off of any of these posts, which is fitting because I want to develop content that I love that an audience will love. 

I have applied to go to community college, so when I hear back from them about whether I will receive financial aid I will let everyone know!  Hopefully attending school will help me expand my knowledge and help me find a niche topic to write about.

Thanks guys:)

Happy 4th of July!

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