Friday, May 20, 2016

10 Conversations You Need to Have with Your Significant other.. Part 2

1. Do They Like Movies?
If the answer is no, they are psychopath,  If you don't like movies, you are also a psychopath.

2. Do they like classical music?
If the answer is yes you better cover ears before you start having mature thought processes.  No one needs that kind of negativity in their life

3. Are they an only child?
If the answer is yes then I'm gonna bet their remote wrestling skills are seriously underdeveloped!  Seriously, they better get ready to stop being a selfish prick.

4. Do they ever lose control of their body?
If they look perplexed and say no in a confused voice they have obviously never eaten pizza.

5. Have they ever eaten pizza?
If the answer is no they are a psychopath.

6. Have they ever eaten a whole pizza by themselves?
If the answer is no, that's good! Because eating that much pizza would be disgusting, and should probably never eat pizza in front of them....

7. Do they wear socks with sandals?
If the answer is yes and they don't have children they should seriously think about double checking to see if they have children, because that is SO your dad.  If they wear socks with flip flops....LOL.
*I laughed out loud

8. Do they drink? 
If the answer is no they obviously ain't hung around yo' ass long enough.

9. Do they have any weird hobbies, like taxidermy?
You better move before they go all Norman Bates on your ass!

10. Do they like puppies?
If the answer is no they are definitely making Dalmatian coats and you need to call this number: 615-867-5309

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